Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

substantia alba tecti mesencephali

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 mesencephalon Short Extended
Current level substantia alba tecti mesencephali
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
9046 tax
substantia alba tecti mesencephali
white matter of tectum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tectum of mesencephalon
8487 tax
tractus commissurales originis mesencephali (par)
commissural tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
71115 5681 tax
commissura colliculi inferioris
commissure of inferior colliculus
72418 5682 tax
commissura colliculi superioris
commissure of superior colliculus
8096 tax
tractus longi tecti mesencephali (par)
long tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
8100 tax
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
5328 tax
fibrae spinotectales (par)
spinotectal fibres (pair)
8104 tax
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
72417 5584 tax
brachium colliculi superioris
brachium of superior colliculus
71114 5583 tax
brachium colliculi inferioris
brachium of inferior colliculus
72502 5468 tax
lemniscus lateralis
lateral lemniscus
83675 12527 tax
lemniscus medialis
medial lemniscus
8108 tax
tractus descendentes tecti mesencephali (par)
descending tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
72645 8479 tax
tractus tectobulbaris
tectobulbar tract
72451 7503 tax
decussatio tegmentalis dorsalis ; decussatio tegmentalis posterior
tegmental dorsal decussation ; tegmental posterior decussation
72620 8480 tax
tractus tectospinalis
tectospinal tract
17 lines
64.7 %
64.7 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 9046
Invalid check Found children: 24
Invalid check Found units: 17
Invalid signature 2753 (stored value 13604)
Date: 28.03.2025